Specialist team

Our medical team of specialists in the treatment of cerebral palsy and the sequelae of acquired brain damage is composed of by different professionals in the field of medicine. Our goal is to improve the patient's quality of life by seeking to achieve that the "bad weather" is bearable for both them and their families. It's impossible for all of us to be here, but that's all there is.

Honesty, professionalism and our best smile with patients and their families are our trademarks. All medical equipment Specialist and nursing staff are specialists in treating patients with brain damage.

Anesthesia team trained in pain management, surgeon specializing in the treatment of brain injury sequelae, nurse specializing in graded fibrotomy and specialist with years of experience in logistics for organizing medical treatment specializes in the treatment of cerebral palsy, stroke, acquired brain injury and various cancer-related pathologies. myofascial pain.